Personality Profiling Includes Numeracy, Aptitude and Psychometric Testing

Our Range of Psychometric Testing Assessments
The Personal Profile Analysis (PPA)
This is a validated, positive, non-critical, behavioural analysis of a person, emphasising your strengths and capabilities in the work environment. The main benefits of using the PPA for an individual are; to provide an accurate overview of your work behavioural preferences, to improve your self awareness, and to understand the impact your behaviour has on work colleagues.
Numeric Tests
Numerical reasoning tests look at your ability to use numbers and numerical concepts to draw the correct conclusions. While numerical ability looks at your answers to arithmetic questions, numerical reasoning tests are slightly different. A numeric test involves quantitative and/or mathematical reasoning to complete tasks. Tests with a numeric component will typically involve a number based task with a right or wrong answer. The General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) measures your aptitude when processing numeric information during the Number Speed and Accuracy test.
My Perfect Job
Ever wondered what job suits your personality? Well now you can thanks to a new report that Career & Life Planning and Thomas International have created. The report compares your personality to a database of hundreds of jobs where we have compiled all the personality traits of each profession. This type of psychometric testing is very beneficial in contemplating your next career move and only takes 5 minutes to complete the 24 questions online.
Emotional Intelligence Assessment
An emotional intelligence questionnaire is a series of questions whereby an individual rates themselves and measures their self-perception of their own emotions and personality on a certain scale. The ability to manage your emotions and those of others has become an increasingly important part of the modern working environment.
Aptitude Test
An aptitude test is a structured way of assessing someone’s ability to undertake specific tasks. Aptitude tests generally assess a person’s fluid intelligence or their ability to reason quickly and to think abstractly, also known as the ability to ‘think on your feet’. It is also a measure of how quickly you are likely to learn a new skill or job. These tests typically assess a variety of aptitudes including: Verbal Reasoning, Perceptual Speed, Word Meaning, Numerical Reasoning and Spatial Visualisation.