About CALP Career Coaching for Professionals
Career & Life Planning works with many clients who are in mid-to-senior positions in their career. Most of these people are not actively looking but when they decide to look, passively or through being approached, need to trust someone to help them define their offering clearly and effectively.
We understand that you operate in a very busy environment and are used to dealing with high quality. Our reputation on delivering high quality document and support services around producing your CV ensures that you are recognised as leading professional with proven relevant experience that is of interest to potential employers.
We provide a mix of in-person meetings and also Skype/Phone Coaching to assist with the development of your CV and always ensure that we work around your busy schedule of evening and weekend appointments.
Career & Life Planning has trained over 70 consultants in our Coaching Methodology and offers a network of highly skilled and qualified coaches who can help you realise your objectives.

Areas we work on with you include:
- Competency Review
- CV Design and Delivery
- Cover Letters
- SWOT Preparation & Action Plan
- Application form completion
- Presentation Skills
- Social Media Strategies
- Offline & Online Strategies
- Introduction to social Media Networking
- LinkedIn Profiling and Review

- Support that integrates with individuals work-life schedule
- Increase in performance and results quickly
- More engagement and focus from professionals on critical skills
- Proven methodology for coaching that delivers results
- Suitable for all levels of professionals
- Can be tailored to suit different business needs in local or global markets quickly.