Career Coaching for the Self Employed
There are plenty of benefits to working for yourself. The flexibility, the profits, the ability to build something. All are great lures for those who like the challenge of an entrepreneurial business.
However, the same factors that attract people to self-employment can also become a burden. Career & Life planning can support you in making the correct decisions for you and your future.

Areas we work on with you include:
- Planning and Setting Goals
- Funding & Grants
- How to seek business advice from others
- Risk Assessment
- Effective business relationships
- SWOT Preparation & Action Plan
- Presentation Skills
- Social Media Strategies
- Offline & Online Strategies
- Introduction to social Media Networking
- LinkedIn Profiling and Review

- Support that integrates with individuals work-life schedule
- Increase in performance and results quickly
- More engagement and focus on critical skills
- Proven methodology for coaching that delivers results
- Can be tailored to suit different business needs.

Career & Life Planning has trained over 70 consultants in our Coaching Methodology and offers a network of highly skilled and qualified coaches who can help you realise your objectives.